Monday, December 22, 2014

12 Things...

1.    Be a person for others.  Help the Filipino community through simple activities like engaging in outreach programs.  In here, we are given the chance to serve and make the less privileged happy for a short period of time.   Spend time with them.  Make them feel important and loved.

2.    Follow rules and regulations.  This is the simplest form of discipline we can develop.  Disciplined people can help boost a country’s advancement.

3.    Speak positively about Filipinos and our country.  This way, we show our care for our fellow countrymen and the Philippines.  We also show our love through actions as simple as keeping our community clean or engage in tree planting activities.  Report whatever untoward or illegal activities you see.

4.    Respect our elders, leaders, law enforcers, politicians, and the like.  They serve as our role models and learn from the good things they do for their countrymen.

5.    Be a good child to your parents.  Everything starts at home.  If we have a solid foundation, we can help put together a better society.

6.    As a student, be a role model to the younger ones who look up to you.  This way you are contributing in molding the younger students to be better people.

7.    Do your best in reaching your goals.  Start with studying diligently, be a responsible student and aim high so that you can achieve wonders that make the country proud.  Working hard builds determination to pursue our aspirations.

8.    Manage your time.  Spend it wisely.  Do not dwell on unimportant things.  Instead, make time for oneself, in helping others and in contributing to the goodness of our mankind.

9.    Do not be afraid to venture into new things.  We will not learn to be resourceful if we continue to stick to the ordinary.  We must gain much knowledge to make the Philippines a better place to live.

10. Be an honest person.  We cannot progress if people just keep on failing on the truth, living life full of lies.

11. Never forget the 7Cs.  We recite our creed in school often.  Doing and following them is another thing.  Develop one’s character  to share compassion, serve the community, have a clean conscience, and most of all have Christ at the center of your life.     Make use of your Filipino-Chinese culture and maximize your competence so that others may benefit from these.

12. Lastly, but the most important of all, be a worthy child of God.  Support your church in little ways you can.  Pray, listen and adhere to God’s teachings.

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." - Mother Teresa

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